Express Pre Marriage Course

CONGRATULATIONS! You have made the right choice to strengthen your relations for a marriage of a lifetime. ***This is a consultative style private course suitable to meet your couple needs. It involves pre-reading, online video and exercises, including completion of the PrepareEnrich inventory tool for a more effective session.

At Marriage and Family (BDMI), we are the only Muslim provider with the professional marriage relationship tool ‘PrepareEnrich’ in Singapore.

The service is provided by our trained educators with over 30 years of experience and more than 10,000 couples across nationalities and cultures.

This course is based on the Prepare Enrich approach. For Muslim marriage, it will include the faith perspectives for Muslims, where relevant. At the course, you are able to :

– explore strength and growth areas
– strengthen communication skills
– identify and manage major stressors
– resolve conflicts
– develop a more balanced relationship
– understand personality differences and maximize teamwork

The graph below illustrates a typical example of a couple ‘s strength and growth areas based on the exercise completed by a couple.

** Couple report is optional and charged separately.

 All session is in English unless otherwise stated.

Available on WEEKDAYS only
~ Monday to Thursday
~ 10 am to 2 pm
~ By Appointment (subject to availability)
FEE : S$350/- per couple
(as of January 2025)
Includes Notes in PDF and Certificates in image
(For Couple Report, add fee of S$80.)

Key Trainer: Utzh/Mdm Zarina Begam

Basic Terms & Conditions:

i) Open to all couples above age 21.
   If any partner is below age 21, you must attend the  ROMM Young Couples Programme

ii) Please ensure you provide accurate spelling of your names according to your official document for ROMM. Soft copy of the Certificates will be issued within 2 weeks upon completion of the session, in sya Allah.

iii) Please provide different email address per person to facilitate the Prepare/Enrich inventory exercise

iv) BDMI reserves the right to change the model, postpone/defer or cancel the course

v) No Refund is allowed if you attend the wrong course or when Notes are sent.

vi) For Foreigners marrying a Singaporean and applying for the Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP),   please check with ICA for the relevant course. If you receive ICA letter Annex A, you can attend this course.  If you receive ICA letter, Annex B, please check for the relevant courses, SEE HERE

The figure above illustrates an example of a couple’s personality differences and similarities.

Trainers are versatile in various relationship tools including
–  Positive Parenting Program (Univ. of Queensland)
–  Prepare Enrich facilitation (world gold standard)
–  Cinta Abadi modules (Premarriage, Marriage Enrichment & Parenting)

All modules are acceptable for Registry of Muslim Marriages (ROMM) or ROM.

Trainers have over 30 years of experience in marriage and family life space and more than 10,000 training hours and students alike.

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